Welcome to
Indian Creek Ranches
Gelbvieh & Balancer Performance Genetics
Meet the
Adkins Family
Hi, I'm Gerald Adkins. My wife Sarah and I have 3 wonderful girls Maci, Kylie and Kinzie and we are excited about our newest addition a baby boy Braden.
Together we run Indian Creek Ranches. A farming and cattle operation. The girls love to help with chores and basically anything to do with cattle.
We raise Gelbvieh & Balancer cattle. We sell our Bulls year around private treaty. We sell a select group of open heifers each fall. And have started selling a group of bred heifers also. Give us a call to see what's available.
Our Mission
At Indian Creek Ranches we expect superior performance, moderate frame, docile disposition and quality carcass. You will find these traits in every bull and female we sell.